About Continuous Quality Improvement (YPQI)
Quality out-of-school programs matter…
When young people are provided a safe and supportive environment that promotes skill-building and learning, they are much more likely to thrive.
Houston Youth Program Quality Intervention (YPQI)
The Youth Program Quality Intervention, or YPQI, is an ongoing continuous effort in raising the bar in out-of-school time opportunities in the Greater Houston region. We utilize a three-step process consisting of assessing and evaluating real time program practices; plan how to utilize best practices to improve their program offering based on their assessment scores; implementing their improvement plan before they reassess their offering(s) to determine growth youth impact. Each site conducts their internal assessment once a year to determine progress in four categories:
- Safe environment: the program’s environment is evaluated to ensure youth are in a safe and sanitary space and are provided with opportunities to have nutritious food
- Supportive Environment: each program evaluates its adult support for youth with respect to individual growth and learning which is critical to the development of both skills and healthy relationships.
- Interaction: each program gets evaluated based on its ability to positively affect the peer culture helps kids find a sense of belonging, helps them develop leadership skills, and helps with conflict resolution
- Engagement: each program is evaluated on youth readiness to actively take ownership of their learning, to plan and make choices, and to reflect and learn from their experiences.
Click here to connect with us and learn more about the benefits of joining Out 2 Learn’s Quality network!