At Out 2 Learn, we know that the work that our partners do for our youth is so important to building up a future generation of movers and shakers. For the month of July and in future months, we will begin highlighting our Out 2 Learn partners. Stories can be anything related to youth programming or related to staff in these programs. Examples include, but are not limited to, the progress story of a youth, an accolade of a staff, a success story of a family, or shouting out the hard work of a peer! If you would like to share your story, we can either do an interview or just send us your information to Pertinent information includes an excerpt of not longer than 2,000 characters, a photo, and your organization logo. If highlighting a minor, please submit acknowledgement from parent/guardian consenting to sharing their story.

Do not be shy to share your triumphs! We love to see it <3